DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-1-0-6

Motivation of word-group (word combination) terms in the terminology of mechanical engineering in Albanian in relation with English


Ключевые слова:

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Special works and monographs have been written on sustainable phrases in terminology. It is worth noting that for a long time as separate categories in the lexical system as naming units not only phraseological phrases, but also other sustainable (non-phraseological) phrases, mainly of the nominal type have been distinguished. Thus, in the monograph “Çështje të frazeologjisë së gjuhës shqipe” [Issues of phraseology of the Albanian language] J. Thomai (1981: 74) notes: Phrases bombë dore [hand grenade], bibliotekë kombëtare [national library] etc., mentioned here and there, as it is well known, are sustainable phrases, but not of the phraseological type. They are considered “as compound nouns and function as single part of the sentence” (Thomai, 1981:133).

Later, these phrases were used in lexicographical works, and especially are widely given as illustrative tools, and in special cases as a separate unit in the Dictionary of Today's Albanian language [Fjalorin e gjuhës së sotme shqipe] (1980).

Likewise, they are widely given in the dictionary [Dictionary of basic terms of mechanics Albanian-English-French-Italian-Russian] even the most specific terminological phrases. For e.g.: for trup-body we meet: trup i ngurtë - rigid body; trup solid- solid body , trup i lëngët-liquid body, trup i gaztë-gaseous body (phyis.), trup qiellor -celestial body (anat.), trup i plugut-plough body  (agri.), trup i fjalës-words body (ling.), trup diplomatic-diplomatic corps (dipl.), trup gjykues-trial panel (law.), etc.; for trung- trunk  we distinguish: trung nervor-nervous trunk, trung i aortës-aortic trunk (med.), trung koni-frustum of a cone, trung piramide-truncated pyramid, trung prizmi - truncated prism (geom.).

As M. Samara points out, "a great lexical wealth has been created by sustainable phrases, especially in the field of socio-political lexicon", which today is one of the fields with the richest terminology in our language and with more research interest (Samara, 1972:281). In the cited paper only with the adjective political - there are about 80 examples of phrases, mainly sustainable from the field of political-social lexicon. 

Until nowadays, a large number of terminological dictionaries have been compiled. A large number of phrase terms are given in these dictionaries. Thus, for example, only in the Dictionary of Mathematics "23% are two-part terms" (Lafe, 1972: 320). Phrase terms also occupy a large place in other dictionaries. In the dictionary of architecture with the term stil-style 34 phrases are given, with the term mur-wall 33, with the term shtyllë -column 28, with the term qemer-archway 23 etc.

Working methods

In order to argue and illustrate the ideas in the paper, we relied on the material extracted from the literature, as well as from basic textbooks and technical standards and basic works by Thanas Gaçe (1983) and P. Karaulli & G. Çelo (1974).

The lexical material, which was taken from various terminological dictionaries (The Polytechnical and Technical Dictionary, as well as the Dictionary for Mechanical Engineering, for Electrical Engineering, for Construction, etc.), such as from the Dictionary of Basic Terms of Mechanics (2002) and from such non-terminological (explanatory), such as the Dictionary of the Albanian language (2006), in which the terms of technical terminology (mechanics, construction, electricity) meet.

The support in the inductive way (from examples to arguments and conclusions) and in the deductive way (from met preconditions we come to arguments, from extracted material we reach concrete examples), determines the results achieved in this paper.


Word-group (word combination) with relatively low degree of motivation

The word-group (word combination)  terms with component parts that express figurative meanings, especially the defining part are clearly distinguished from the point of view of the discovery of the concept (Duro, 2009:149), since the figurativeness of the phrase clearly expresses the form:  herringbone = kurriz peshku, batterfly = flutur,curling chip (curled chip) = ashkël e përdredhur, amphibios vehicle =automobil amfib, cooling rib (coling fin) = brinjë ftohëse, countersunk-headed bolt = bulon kokëfshehur, joint (butt) = buzëpuqj/e-a, hexagon nut = dado gjashtëfaqëshe, acorn nut (domed cap nut) = dado kësulë, butterfly nut (wing nut) = dado me vesh, nechanical hand = dorë mekanike, inlet port (admission port; intake port) = dritare e hyrjes, tooth = dhëmb-i, straight tooth = dhëmb i drejtë, helical tooth (spiral tooth) = dhëmb helikoidor, thrust face = faqe mbëshetëse, blast = fryrj/e-a, cooling = ftohj/e-a, brus = furç/ë-a, jaw = gojëz çelësi, trough (pan) = govat/ë-a, chip pan = govatë ashklash, castint pit = gropë derdhjeje, eccentric cam = gungë jashtëqendërsore, tooth flank = ijë dhëmbi, air cushion = jastëk ajri, bearing cage = kafaz kushinete, load hook = kanxhë ngarkesash, root of tooth = këmbë e dhëmbit, cylinder liner (cylinder sleeve) = këmishë motori, screw head = kokë vidhe, clutch cone = kon i bashkorit (i friksionit),  jib of power shovel = krah eskavatori, crown gear (ring gear) = kurorë dhëmbëzore, rotary harrow = lesë rrotullore, anti-icer fluid (de-icing fluid) = lëng kundërngrirës, turbine blad = lopatë e turbinës, tapping spout = lug shkarkimi, firebrick masonry = muresë zjarrduruese, universal joint = nyjtesë universale, combination pliers = pincë e kombinuar, rivet pliers = pincë ribatinash,  crankpin = qafë e biellës, hammer head = rrahës çekani, leather belt = rrip lëkure, spur gear = rrotë dhëmbëzore cilindrike, lap fold = rrudhë rulimi, stop-light = sinjal frenimi, spring valve = sustë e valvolës, metal-working saw =sharrë për metal, guide rail = shinë udhëzuese, ignition spark = shkëndijë ndezjeje, core drill = shpojsë tubore, hand lathe = torno dore, heat pipe = tub i nxehtësisë, threading tool (thread cutter) = thikë filetëprerëse, oil ring = unazë vajheqëse, bloomery hearth = vatër saldimi, line of action =vijë e ngërthimit (e rrotës dhëmbëzore, e ingranimit), tower crane = vinç kullëheat-resisteant glass = xham zjarrdurues, sprocket wheel = yllëz-a, core of section = zemë e seksionit but not the function, in the case where the shape of the object may change, but the function may remain the same. In this sense, these phases’ formations with component parts figuration are conceptually characterized by a relatively low degree of their motivation (Kurti, 1991:29-530):

In the above group, with the motivation of the second degree, the eponymous terms word-group (word combination) can also be included, in which, in general, the determining component, a proper noun emerges (person, place, etc.). If the defined part appears somewhat motivated (or known), the determining part does not reveal any essential features of the concept, such as: rondele e Groverit (spring of Grover), kryqi i Maltës (Maltese cross) (Shvart, 1980:87), çernierë e Hukut (Hook’s jonit), fortësi Vikers (Vickers hardness), fortësi Rokvel (Rockwell hardness), fortësi Shor (Shore hardness), ekuacion i Van der Valsit (Van der Vals‘ equation), ekuacion i Bernulit (Bernoulli equation), kalibror Johanson (block gauge), çelik Besemer (Bessemer steel), turbinë Frensis (Fransis turbine), filetë Sellers (Seller’s thread), filetë Vitvorth (Whitworth thread), modul i Jungut (modulus of elongation; Young’s modulus)burmë arkimediane (Archimede’s screw), hundëz Laval (Laval nozzle) (Shvarts, 1980:36-39) etc.

In most cases these formations find adequate equivalents from one language to another, but rarely may they not match the internal form. Sometimes, in both languages, eponymous parts are replaced with another word, which expresses a broader meaning, which is closer to the concept of the term word-group (word combination). This is the reason word-group (word combination) terms with figurative semantic loads as well as word-group (word combination) terms with eponymous component parts not infrequently are replaced by these elements with more contextually extensive words (Pllana, 2017:198-199).

In English                             In Albanian                                

butterfly valve                         valvol flutur

dead point                              pikë e vdekur

lubrification point                    pikë e lyrësimit (e lubrifikimit)

freezing point                          pikë e ngopjes

melting point (fusion point)     pikë e shkrirjes

combination pliers                   pincë e kombinuar

rivet pliers                              pincë ribatinash

pipe tongs                              pincë tubash

universal-joint fork                  pirun i kardanit

pressure piston                       piston shtytës

pitch point                              pol i rrokullisjes (së rrotës dhëmbëzore)

centre os gravity                     qendër e rëndesës

centre of rotation                    qendër rrotullimi

dog bolt                                 bulon i çernieruar

doktor bar                              shufër rregulluese

dolly bar                                shufër kapëse

dovetail jonit                           lidhje bishtdallendyshe

eyelet bolt                               bulon çengel

heringbone tooth                    dhëmb kurrizpeshku

Hook’s jonit (=fork jonit)          çernierë e Hukut=çernierë kryqe

king pin                                  pern (strumbull) i grushtit të kthimit

king pin                                  pern i grushtit të kthimit

spring washer                         rondele e Groverit=rondele elastike


In a group with a motivation slightly higher than the first two groups, word-group (word combination) formations can be introduced with one of the elements that more or less clearly reveal the function of the concept, but not its form. Examples can be drawn from both languages, which highlight the similarities or affinities of the structures in terms of internal form (Fjalor, 2002:33-435).

In Albanian                                         In English

bulon i ashpër                                      rough bolt

çift i lartë                                              higher (highest) pair

çift i ulët                                               lower pair

rreth primitiv                                        dedendum circle

vidhë mikrometrike                                micrometer screw

vidhë regjistruese                                  adjusting screw

vidhë ushqyese                                      leading screw

Word-groups (word combination) with high degree of motivation

These word-group (word combination) terms make up biggest part of the phrasal formations and in general these structures are preferred in any terminology, as the direct meanings of their component part very clearly reveal the resultant concept, expressed by both or all component parts (when there are more than two component parts) (Thomai, 2017: 250).

Based on the amount of component parts, we can divide these formations with high motivation and very high motivation. Although this division has subjective and relative value, relying on form, we can put as a limiting line the amount of components. Thus, if the amount of component parts is two, then these word-group (word combination) are highly motivated, and when this number exceeds two component parts (or generally consists of many component parts), then we are dealing with a very high degree of motivation. For a very high degree of motivation, the extended terminological word-group (word combination) are generally characterized, which appear at large in the narrow fields (subfields) of knowledge, since they are detailed divisions and subdivisions of concepts, which leads to the formation of extended glossary phrases (word-group;  word combination) (with many elements) (Duro, 2009:149). These last ones take the form of semi-definition therefore, while in dictionaries of narrow fields they may be included in their entirety, in dictionaries of broad fields, they should be reduced to the extent of two component parts phrases. Below we are bringing some examples from both languages:

a) High motivated phrases

In Albanian                      In English

buzë shtrënguese                gripping jaw

hundëz spërkatëse              spray nozzle

ijë dhëmbi                          tooth flank

impiant i ventilimit             ventilation plant

kokë shpuese                      boring head

lartësi e dhëmbit                 height of tooth

teh prerës                           cutting edge

valvol sferike                      spheric valve

b) Very high motivated phrases

Alb.: levë e llojit të dytë

Engl.: lever of the second order

Alb. : levë e ndërrimit të marsheve

Engl. : gear-box lever

Alb. : levë freni e dorës

Engl. : hand brake lever

Alb. : metal i thyeshëm në të ftohtë

Engl. : cold-short metal

Alb. : metal i thyeshëm në të nxehtë

Engl. : hot-short metal

Alb. : mikroskop me kontrast fazash

Engl. : phase-contrast microscope

Alb. : moment i çiftit të forcave

Engl. : moment of a couple (of forces)

Alb. : moment polar i inercisë

Engl. : polar moment of inertia

Alb. : moment me injektim të drejtpërdrejtë

Engl. : direct-injection engine

Regarding the motivation of the term in the most general sense, it should be noted that the motivation of the term, as well as the motivation of the word, basically has what Saussure has described as the arbitrariness of the sign (Duro, Pllana, 2018:41-47), without which the sign cannot perform its function. Although the connection of the term with the concept it expresses is much more direct than the connection of the word (common) with the meaning (i.e., the term as a rule is and should be mainly motivating, especially within the limits of the field of knowledge where it is used), yet this motivational connection has linguistic character; it is mainly concerned with the external side of the term (especially with the meanings of the constituent elements of the word-group (word combination)). From this point of view, this emerges as an internal form of the word-group (word combination), and in principle, the more transparent this form is, the easier it is to penetrate the internal part of the concept. So, the rest of the content of the term is decomposed through its definition or "learning" of its conceptual content. This may seem clearly, because a non-specialist in the field at the level of meaning "feels it", but cannot grasp the meaning of the concept, except by the specialist. Therefore, definiteness also emerges as one of the main properties of the term, which really leads us to its conceptual content, that is, to the concept. Thus, for instance , as a given example in “Terminologjia si sistem” (Duro, 2001:45), word-group “dalje e thikës” (going out of knife), by motivating the meanings of the constituent elements “dalje and thikë” (going out and knife), the linguistic motivation of the concept expressed by this unit can be done, while its real motivation with the concept can be achieved by discovering the concept through definition: “dalje e thikës” (exit of knife), i.e.; not “knife exit process” (which is tautological), but “the path that the knife performs in the cutting process to where it stops”.

The motivation of the terms word-group (word combination) can also be seen from the source composition of their elements, since each element can have different degrees of motivation depending on its origin (Kostallari, 2018:340). Thus, for instance a word-group (word combination) composed of combinations of foreign terms with Albanian ones, can have different degrees of motivation, when only Albanian or foreign terms can be included. On the other hand, motivation also depends on which constituent element of the word-group (word combination) is transparent (clearer or more accurate), i.e., the defined or determining element. Therefore, a division can be made into two main groups, taking as a basis the determining and defined element, as well as the sources of where these constituent elements come from. 

  1. Defined elements
  • Terms raised on the basis of the meaning of common words: kokë, buzë, gotë (head, jaw, cup), në words-groups (words combination): kokë shpuese (boring head), buzë prerëse (cuting edge), buzë shtrënguese (clamping jaw), gotë tubi (tub cup) etc.
  • Terms with word-forming constituent elements: katërhallkësh-i (four-bar- ), katërhallkësh me çernierë (hinged four-bar mechanism) etc.
  • Terms borrowed from the terminology of other fields: lartësi e dhëmbit (height of tooth), numër dhëmbësh (number of teeth) etc.
  • Terms from foreign languages: aks i rrotullimit (axis of rotation), valvol sferike (spheric valve) etc.
  1. Determining elements
  • Common words: çift i ulët (lower pair), çift i lartë (highest pair), rrotë e vogël (small wheel), rrotë e madhe (large wheel) etc.
  • Foreign terms: rreth primitiv (dedendum circle) etc.

From the point of view of the correlations of the constituent elements of the terms between languages, we can distinguish these cases:

Term in Albanian                           Word-group (word combination) in English

avullftohësi                                       steam attemperator

avullpastrues                          steam purifier

baraspeshor-i                         balance beam

biell/ë-a (bren/ë-a)                  connecting rod

çelikim-i                                  steel plating

dhëmbëgdhendj/e-a                gear shaping

elektropomp/ë-a                      electric pump

fletësharr/ë-a                           saw blade

gazmbledhës-i                         gas collector

hapmatës-i                              pitch gauge

kalorifer-i                                air heater

lapues/e-ja                              lapping machine

plumbim-i                               lead coating

ribatinur/ë-a                           rivetted joint

shlizëretifikues/e-ja                  spline-grinding machine

thikëmbajtës-i                          tool post

vajmbledhës-i                          oil catcher (oil collector)

vajngrohës-i                            oil heater

yllëz-a                                     sprocket wheel

zinkim-i                                   zinc coating

Word-group (word combination) Term in English

in Albanian

bulon pa kokë                         stud

fikatës lëkundjesh                    damper

hallkë zinxhiri (traktori)          tracklink

lartësi e këmbës (së dhëmbit)   dedendum

lartësi e kokës (së dhëmbit)      addendum

mbjellëse me rreshta                rowdrill

mekanizëm lidhës                    knotter

mekanizëm prerës                    cutterbar

nyjë montimi                           subassembly

qafë e biellës                           crankpin

rekord bërrylak                       elbow

sasi e lëvizjes                           momentum

shigjetë uljeje                          sag


Words, as lexical tools, cannot, in any case, meet all the needs of society, both to name objects and new phenomena, and to replace words from foreign languages. For this, more extended linguistic units are formed, phrases, which, like words, serve to mark innumerable new objects, phenomena and concepts.

The word-group (word combination) terms of this terminology are observed in the plane of both languages, in Albanian and in English, taken each separately, as well as in relation to each other. It is important to note that English has been prioritized as a language with international reach, and the terminology of mechanical engineering in it as a special lexicon that serves as a standardization model not only for Albanian, but also for other languages.

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