DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2016-4-4-28-41


The subject matter of this paper is the Russian and English language picture of the world. The article is aimed at determining inherent and the most original traits of national character and mentality and their reflection in the Russian and English language – at both lexical and grammar levels. The further contrastive analysis has been carried out to reveal common and varying features of the two nations to draw conclusions concerning cross-cultural communication. On the lexical level, the analysis was made by means of defining “nationally-coloured” set expressions, phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, etc.; using statements of famous Russian and English writers about the national character and mentality; applying linguistic data of researchers on the topic under consideration. On the level of grammar, some typical structures for both languages were found out which show national identity. The conclusion was drawn that according to the analyzed properties of the English and Russian national character and mentality, the contrasted language pictures of the world reveal more differences than commonalities. Some common phenomena have been found: love for freedom, love for fairness (truth), tolerance and politeness. Nevertheless, the study shows that even these are very different in their core. That is why people (and politicians, in particular), dealing with cross-cultural communication between England and Russia, require much training and a very careful and inclusive attitude to each other to make our common world more friendly. As a result, two comparative tables were made which can be of possible use to the teachers and scholars in various fields concerning ethnic studies and cross-cultural communication.
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