The paper focuses on the analysis of the status of the epithet in the contemporary literary text of K. Ishiguro. The pertinence of the study stems from the fact ...
The article is devoted to the problem of the genre. The article examines the text of a modern French novel, which has undergone radical changes in recent decades. The ...
The article aims at the linguistic research of the peculiar lexical features of the modern American "legal thriller" literature. The linguistic material for research was sampled from the novels ...
The article analyzes the poetic texts of 19th century Scottish immigrant poets in the United States, in which women were the protagonists. The Scottish poetic emigration discourse is presented ...
Considering Walt Whitman as a mystic and a Sufi is an amazing subject. The passion, depth and richness of the Leaves of Grass themes are more praiseworthy than any ...
The article analyzes the image of Robert Burns in Scottish émigré poetry in the United States in the 19th century in the context of the perception of iconic literary ...
This study is devoted to Old English-Latin language contacts that took place at the turn of the 10th and 11th c. and were reflected in several written records of ...
The article is focused on the analysis of the characters and their functions in the fairy-tale Iranian-language folklore of Central Asia within the framework of the concept of intertextuality. ...
The article verifies the existence of a specific sociocultural situation in German literature of the second half of the 16th century from the standpoint of modern linguistic genre studies. ...
The paper analyzes collections of charms, dubbed as Zauberbücher and central to early printed book culture in Germany. Among the most popular editions of this kind, one should pay ...
The article discusses the role of S.T. Coleridge as an intermediary between German and British cultures, whose role was not limited to passive transfer of ideas from one cultural ...
The development of the theory of cognitive metaphor makes the study of metaphoric modelling in different types of discourse, including the discourse of fiction, a relevant and perspective subject. ...
Since science and technology are intertwined with literature, a great number of writers have created different depictions under the label of Science Fiction which mostly shows various aspects of ...
The article deals with topical issues of religious worldview and its interaction with national culture and individual artistic worldviews as crystallized in the language of literature. It presents a vigorous ...
The potential of language in depicting objective reality is unquestionable today. Some authors refer to language as “the currency of knowing”. Much information about the world and people is ...
The article is focused on the components of professionalism as a system of knowledge and values which is inherent to a specific professional community. The linguistic material was obtained ...
This article explores the dynamics of differentiation through the perspective of a reconceptualised representation of race, identity and cultural belonging that Swing Time brings into scrutiny. Relying on ...
The article presents the results of the work on a manuscript written in the French language of the XV century. The work has been conducted by one of ...
Religion themed literature has always been a norm in the literary traditions across the globe. However, it is observed that in the context of representing Islam and Muslims, ...
This paper is a minor part of my PhD dissertation “Elements of Sufism in the Poetry of Rumi and Whitman: A Comparative Study” in which the attempt has been ...
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