Peculiarlexical features of the American legal thriller (based on John Grisham’s novels)
The article aims at the linguistic research of the peculiar lexical features of the modern American "legal thriller" literature. The linguistic material for research was sampled from the novels "The Client", "The Confession" and "A Time to kill" by the American writer John Grisham, who is considered to be the founder of this genre. Obviously, legal thriller as a genre has linguistic peculiarities typical of this literary style. Comprehensive linguistic analysis of the genre-forming vocabulary peculiar to legal thriller novels drama style, without dwelling on one specific lexical phenomenon, explains the pertinence of this research. The research focuses on the language of John Grisham’s novels belonging to the genre of American “legal thriller” in order to find out, what lexemes make up thе core of the legal thriller language. The study is aimed at carrying out a linguistic analysis of the language of the "legal thriller" novels for determining its peculiar vocabulary features. The author gives examples of the genre-forming vocabulary peculiarities of the modern American "legal thriller" genre as reflected in the language of the novels under study. The article defines the main lexical units which characterize the language of this genre: slang terms, special legal terminology, anthroponymic and toponymic lexical units, typical of the US legal system. The author draws conclusions about what makes up the genre-forming core of the American English legal thrillers.
Tregubova, Yu. A. (2021). Peculiar lexical features of the American legal thriller (based on John Grisham’s novels). Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.7 (2), 135-145, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-2-0-13
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