Data obtained by means of keystroke logging software, which records all writing events, i.e., all keypresses with their time stamps, are widely used in different research fields and ...
Graph-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods have seen significant advancements in recent years with the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). LLMs are sophisticated ...
The study aims to identify (1) morphological complexity predictors and (2) domain inherent markers able to differentiate subject areas of academic text in Russian. The total size of ...
Linguistic corpora have been used in a wide range in recent years. Different types of linguistics analyses in both spoken and written discourses are being conducted using the corpus ...
The article describes the experience of creating a corpus-based list of the most relevant multi-word expressions for Russian L2 learners, distributed across the levels of the Common European Framework ...
The paper expands on the analysis of key projects adoring the machine translation (MT) hall of fame and their role in addressing practical tasks. The most successful initiatives suggest ...
In this paper, we investigate whether temporal gestures indicating different events in time can convey information about the relative timing of these events. We depart from the assertion, that ...
In the context of the development of text generation technologies, the opposition “naturalness − unnaturalness of text” has been transformed into a new dichotomy: “naturalness – artificiality”. The aim ...
Contact-establishing is deservedly characterized as the major function of communication. Until recently, it has been mostly subjected to linguistic analysis aimed at identifying its discursive markers. Meanwhile, contact-establishing frequently ...
Lexical bundles are considered as one of the main rhetorical features in academic genres. The appropriate use of these features adds to the coherence and naturalness of the ...
Despite long-term fruitful relations between Russia and Vietnam, there is still a need for studies that would deepen intercultural understanding between the two peoples. In this paper, Russian-Vietnamese mutual ...
The fact that there are individual differences in word semantics is recognized by lots of scholars. However, establishing and describing such differences is a complex scientific task involving ...
In this article we test the hypothesis that genre-inherent quantitative linguistic parameters can be reduced to a list of few provided with strictly defined ranges of value. The ...
Background: Excessive use of empty words in academic texts is a significant impediment to effective communication, often complicating the clarity and reducing the comprehensibility of scholarly writing. Purpose: ...
This study aims to analyze the syntactic structures of existential sentences in Malay and focuses on the verb ada to produce generalization regarding existential verbs in Malay. Our findings ...
This paper is an attempt to show how readers' underlying network of prototypical schematic expectations might be activated at different levels to address schematic/ cognitive challenges. When these ...
The global environmental crisis has triggered academic discussions on how infrastructure discourse often eliminates the environment as a part of the ecosystem. One noticeable contested issue is Indonesia’s capital ...
Research paper introductions are considered challenging, especially for academic writers whose native language is different from English. Despite the large interest in the rhetorical organization of research papers ...
This study investigated how Internet users construct a sense of ambiguity in the English language to make funny jokes through Internet memes. Its aim was to examine the ambiguity ...
The purpose of the paper is to find out the differences in linguistic complexity between legal documents, opposed by domain, sub-style and genre. The authors explore the large and ...
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