The purpose of the paper is to find out the differences in linguistic complexity between legal documents, opposed by domain, sub-style and genre. The authors explore the large and ...
This paper addresses the genesis of Nubi, an Arabic-based creole, spoken in Uganda and Kenya. A novel account is offered using the relexification approach (Lefebvre, 1998, 2009). The study ...
The article focuses on finding ways of boosting efficiency and accuracy of Speech-to-Text (STT)-powered input. The effort is triggered by the growing popularity of the software among professional translators, ...
This article presents three mathematical models to differentiate academic texts from three subject discourses written in Russian (i.e., Philological, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences) which further enable design and automated ...
This paper investigates one of the instances of the definiteness effect: the access of the prenominal possessives “my/your/its/her/his/their/our” to the postverbal noun phrases in existential there-sentences. The definiteness effect ...
The electronic learner corpus of student texts in German, the PACT, contains the parts-of-speech (POS) tagging. This markup is performed automatically using RFTagger. Since the texts of the corpus ...
Language creativity studies are now exploring new experimental methods which test the readers’ figurative thought. In the current work, we address the gaze behavior as contingent on figurative language ...
After the emergence of the Covid-19 virus new Omicron variant at the end of 2021, news in various mass media resurfaced, especially in Indonesia. Digitalization in the world of ...
This study is an attempt to describe the expressive means used in American political cartoons covering the most prominent events before and during Donald Trump’s presidency. Political cartoon as ...
This study focuses on one basic question: how accurate and adequate are the three MT tools, namely Google Translate, Bing and Systran, in generating Covid-19 terms? It measures mainly ...
As the summary of a full article, an abstract plays a pivotal role in communicating the essential ideas of the work. This discourse study aims to investigate the rhetorical ...
The article is focused on finding ways for the VBA application in translation. Most of the macro code solutions available online date back to the early 2000s. Given the ...
The relevance of the paper is substantiated by the representation of the analysis of utterances generated on the template of ditransitive construction via the methods of cognitive and ...
The article examines the definition of localization from the point of view of the intersection of various disciplines, and also draws a parallel with the concept of translation, highlights ...
The present study is aimed at exploring the strategies used in translating scientific texts to overcome challenges which translators faced for selecting suitable Persian chemistry equivalents. For this purpose, ...
This study is a cognitive scientific research, taking into account linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge. This makes it possible to illustrate the interrelation of the language and mentality of ...
The study of the typology of languages seems to be approaching languages at a micro level. For instance and with reference to the WALS database, the study of ...
Typology of morphology can be examined in terms of certain features e.g. fusions, exponence, inflectional synthesis, locus, affixation, reduplication, syncretism, etc.. or with broader typological features like multifunctional inflectional ...
The placement of information structure seems to be controversial when approached with reference to T-model architecture of grammar and have debatable theoretical determinations. These include but not limited to: ...
The present article is devoted to the investigation of the problem of formation of individual’s assessment activity within the concept of cognitive-communicative control in learning a foreign language. Implementation of ...
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