This paper is a minor part of my PhD dissertation “Elements of Sufism in the Poetry of Rumi and Whitman: A Comparative Study” in which the attempt has been ...
In Elif Shafak's Forty Rules of Love, the writer delivers the message that Sufism, which is based on accepting variance and pluralism, is the key to terminate the continuing ...
The study of the emergence of the Sufi poetry in Persian literature has been of interest to all Persian historians. Sufism is a special School of thought which was ...
Rumi's nostalgia has always attracted the soul of the enchanted and wise human in the valley of mysticism. This nostalgia is crystallized from centuries of human thought, which has ...
A romantic work can rarely be found, which would be equal to the story of Nizami’s “Khosro and Shirin.” Perhaps the only work which can be compared to this ...
This article is a short description of Molana Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi’s thoughts, a famous Iranian mystic and poet, and an attempt to present his ancient ideas, but ...
Sufism or tasawwuf is the inner, mystical, or psycho-spiritual dimension of Islam. However, many scholars believe that Sufism is outside the sphere of Islam. As a result, there has always ...
This paper surveys the grotesque which takes a principal position in the American literature since the nineteenth to the present. It outlines the evolution of grotesque from art to literary ...
The aim of this article is to present a Greek writer, Penelope Delta. This writer has recently come up in the field of the studies of the Greek literature and, ...
This paper discusses the question of the expression of alterity as "faces" in Herman Melville’s two masterpieces, Moby-Dick; or,The Whale and Billy Budd, Sailor. The issue of otherness and the ...
This study presents a reflection on the critical approach of the literature from the history of the mentalities. To understand the works of the XVIth century it is advisable to ...
This paper studies eight ascetical poems by Saint John of the Cross, from both a literary point of view and also as an inverse description. Therefore, the paradoxical descriptions of ...
This paper surveys the grotesque as a main genre in American Literature which is mostly connected with satire. It defines the grotesque from the gothic to the textual analysis of ...
Imagology studies the representations of otherness in literature: other countries, other people. This critical approach has determined its fields. Dealing with several French travels accounts in Russia published during the ...
Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) is known as one of the best American postmodern writers in XX century. This paper attempts to look at three steps of postmodernism in three of his ...
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