DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-4-0-8

Robert Burns in the creative works of Scottish poets-emigrants of the USA of the XIX century

The article analyzes the image of Robert Burns in Scottish émigré poetry in the United States in the 19th century in the context of the perception of iconic literary personalities in the work of Scottish writers and Scottish émigré poets. An attempt was made to determine the criteria for the selection of symbolic figures and artistic components of these images, which will be relevant to other national literatures. In order to identify the specificity of R. Burns' portrayal by the Scottish in Scotland and the Scottish-Americans the genrological and comparative analysis on different levels was conducted: socio-cultural, biographical and poetic. Sociocultural level fixes the ambiguity of creative works perception both of Robert Burns’ in Scotland and Scottish émigré poets in the USA.  Although the image of R. Burns was already familiar and recognizable in the nineteenth-century United States, he is often referred to by prominent political figures. The biographical level reveals the similarity between the biographies of R. Burns and the émigré poets, while the poetological level reveals the similarity between their works in the two studied aspects: anthroponymic and genre-style.  The artistic image of R. Burns in the works of Scottish émigré poets 1) has stable features (unconditional positive evaluation, laudativeness); 2) turns from the image of a national poet into a mythogenic personality, the basis of which is Scottish traditionalism and folklore. It is these features that became relevant for the nineteenth-century United States, a state forming its national identity.

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