DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2017-3-2-9-18


Punctuation which arose as a copyists’ invention, has evolve to the status of philosophical means, and now it more often demonstrates the symptoms of its emancipation in writing. Two French philosophers, who represent two different ages in the history of philosophical thoughts, both criticized punctuation from different positions and used it in a different way. J.-J. Rousseau considered it as the symptom of an «articulation increase» in writing. J. Derrida perceived it as an «oral speech agent» (intonation) and tried to work out a «new way of reading» – atonal articulation. As, according to V. Rоssman, it is possible to philosophize with punctuation, some punctuation marks are used as philosophizing means, like, for example, according to Rоssmаn, quotation marks in Derrid’s works. But, in contradistinction to Rоssman, we think, that Derrida crosses intonation of the inflated concept by quotation marks in favour of its detonational reserve. Сomparison of language-logical and texto-logical articulation levels in «Essay…» by Rousseau and «Оf Grammatology» by Derrida supported the thesis about the «articulation increase». Punctuation, as a particular display of general tendency of «articulation increase», turns out to be involved in not so much to «cooling» writing intonation problem, which was expressed by Rousse, as to intonation «covering». A short insight to history of West European and Old Slavonic punctuation demonstrates that punctuation adherents were rather (if to generalize) rationalists and its opponents were rather irrationalists. It looks like punctuation is an inevitable stage on the way of writing mind developing. And its role in a philosophical text has not explored fully yet.

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