The article deals with the architectonics of textual socio-cultural model-reconstruction of the literary concept "way of chods` life" as unity of linguocultural models-reconstructions of the vernacular way of life at the end of the XVII century, represented in the historical novel “Psoglavtsy” by a famous Czech writer A. Jirasek. The peculiarities of the nominative fields of three models-reconstructions are revealed: “heads of chods”, “home life of chods”, “holiday of chods”. It is identified, that the specificity of nominative fields` architectonics in these models is: (1) markers of contextual polarization; (2) contextual parallels; (3) markers of semantic cycle in literary space. The frequency and features of linguo-culturemes as the basic nominees in nominative fields of sociocultural models-reconstructions` in the novel are determined. It is revealed that in the model-reconstructions there are as universal linguo-culturemes, as unique linguo-culturemes representing the cultural realities of the way of chods` life.
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