DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2017-3-3-34-40


The article studies the cultural-linguistic features of the Edwardian era linguistic identities in the three-component structure of the TV-format discourse in the British historical television series ‘Downton Abbey’ (2010-2016). A brief overview of the concepts ‘cultural linguistics’, ‘linguistic identity’, ‘discourse’ formulated by domestic and foreign linguists is given. The necessity of distinguishing a new type of discourse, the TV-format discourse is grounded. The author's definition of the concept of ‘TV-format’ is given, as well as the definition of the concept of ‘movie-discourse’, adjacent to the concept of ‘TV-format discourse’. The presence of a three-component structure in the TV-format discourse is revealed, its separate components, such as communicative impulses, communicants and extralinguistic information, are considered. The features of communicants’ linguistic identities are revealed in the TV-format discourse of the television series being studied, linguistic identities are divided into two types: the British aristocracy and the middle class of the XX century beginning.

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