
The christian worldview of ancient anglo-saxons

Recent works in the field of linguistics are replete with the notion «worldview.» They demonstrate that this notion is multidimensional, multifaceted and is still in its formation and development. Besides, the studies prove that the problem of reflection of coherent worldview in human mind and its expression in the language is one of the most challenging problems of modern linguistics. A particular emphasis should be given to the studies of worldviews based on the records of ancient writing, as this understudied material plays an important role in the reconstruction of the coherent worldview of various linguistic communities. There are different types of worldviews: linguistic, conceptual etc. The author examines the Christian worldview of Anglo-Saxons, the peculiarities of its formation in the condition of the spread of Christianity among the Germanic tribes, and the influence of paganism on the Christian culture. The Christian worldview is considered on the basis of the Old English poems in the systems of space and time. The spatial views include three levels: Heaven (Paradise), Earth and Hell. The temporal views are associated with the religious beliefs of the an-cient Germans about the creation and the end of the world.

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