In modern linguistics, the issues related to interdisciplinary research in the field of categorization and conceptualization are becoming topical. The proposed article attempts to systematically analyze the concept of "joy" and actualization of causative influence, represented by the functioning of the emotive causative verb "to joy". On the one hand, we are interested in fixing the mental components of the concept "joy", and, on the other hand, the semantic and structural organization of the causative situation in which the components of the concept find expression. The aim of the article is to model the concept of "joy" and the causative situation structured by the emotional causative "to joy". The object of the article is the functional potential of the emotive causative "to joy" in Russian and the model of the concept "joy". The subject of the analysis is the identification of the specifics of the realization of mental aspects of the concept "joy" in Russian within the causative situation and its metaphorical potential, based, among other things, on the results of the associative experiment. Interest is also caused by previously undisclosed components of the causative situation, such as the intensity of the impact, iterative nature and other aspects, which altogether allow us to present the cognitive scenario of the causative situation. Data from a number of dictionaries, research resources, and corpora is used as the material of the study. In the process of the analysis, a hypothetical-deductive method and contextual analysis are used.
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