DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2018-4-3-0-3


The article considers theoretical and epistemological substantiations of the functioning of textual categories: text, context, and intertext. Traditional and modern interpretations of these concepts in linguistics are considered. A hypothesis is advanced about the central role of the meaning-generating synthesis of text, context, intertext in the channel of communicative attitudes of the author and recipient of the text product. Prospects for research of hypertext structures are outlined. Introduction and theoretical justification. Textual categories of text, context and intertext are described as multi-level phenomena of communicative meaning. The text chronotope formed both by the author of the text and by its consumer, realizes its meaningful potential, depending on the semiotic volume of the utterance from a single fragment, to a single whole text product. An epistemological basis for deciphering the mechanisms of meaningfulness is the structure of a linguistic sign, which is characterized by a dual nature. As an integrally designed construct, any text is a semiotic system, with permanently changing content parameters. Context format of the statement correlates with intertextual constructions, within which adequate semantic and semantic components can be isolated. Main part. It is shown that the synthesizing mechanisms of the sense formation at the level of author's intentions and meaningfulness at the level of the recipient of the text are based on the principles of polysemy and polysemy, and nominative mechanisms support the semantic configurations of the utterance-text. It is suggested to take into account the subject-pro-positional structures for analysis of compositional-speech fragments of the text space. The semantic paradigms of textual attribution, conditioned by both intralinguistic and extralinguistic factors: deicticism, prosody, interpenetration of parts of the text, implication and presupposition, as well as illocution and pragmatics are considered. The importance of a communicative event, as one of the most important aspects of the functioning of a text product, is put on the first place. The importance of the intertextual competence of the recipient of the text is underlined. Conclusion. Conclusions are drawn about the contextual and intertextual conditioning of the process of semiotic meaning creation. The central element and the main operational essence of the process under consideration is the format of synthesizing the meaning on the basis of multilevel approaches to textual content. It is argued that the ideal object and subject of meaning-generating mechanisms is artistic discourse, which provides a wide field for interpreting the semantics of linguistic units. In line with the hypothesis put forward, vectors of future research are projected in the mainstream of the textual significance of hypertext structures that will expand the epistemological range of analytical linguistics.

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