Derivational structure of phytonymic lexicon in the English and Russian languages
The plant world is an important fragment of a linguistic worldview. Phytonymical lexicon reflects the economic and cultural activities of the people, the value system of the national-linguistic and cultural community, its world view and world perception. The article is devoted to the study of phytonyms of the English and Russian languages in the comparative aspect, thus it is of current interest under the present anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics. However, we can’t say that phytonymics is well studied. The aim of this article is to identify and describe the structural and derivational patterns in the nomination of the phytonymic lexicon of the English and Russian languages. The author analyzes and describes the main ways of forming phytonyms (composition, suffixation, borrowing), and provides a classification by the selected groups. The study made it possible to discover some similarities and differences in the derivational organization of phytonymical lexicon in both languages. The results of the study may be used in the study of lexicology, cultural linguistics, onomastics, as well as in the compilation of terminological dictionaries.
Anikina, T. V. (2018), “Derivational structure of phytonymic lexicon in the English and Russian languages”, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 4 (4), 3-13, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2018-4-4-0-1
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