Phraseological units of the Chinese language, characterizing events in human life and activities
The article describes some phraseological units of the Chinese language, whose semantics is associated with the nomination of human life and its activities. The basis of the definition of a set expression as a representative of the declared group is the ability of the idiom to nominate an animated object, and in addition, to name any aspect of a person’s life activity, the behavioral characteristics of that person. Since Chinese is quite poetic, well-developed and conservative at the same time, it abounds with examples of factual material that cannot be understood or translated without taking into account the knowledge of etymology. As a rule, the appearance of phraseological units in this language is associated with history, folklore, and fiction. In this regard, an etymological analysis is used to describe the characteristics of the meaning of such expressions. In this regard, the etymology of expressions is used to describe the characteristics of the meaning of such expressions, historical information is taken into account, and the connotation of a set expressions is established.
YuFeng, N. (2018), “Phraseological units of the Chinese language, characterizing events in human life and activities”, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 4 (4), 81-89, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2018-44-0-9
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