DOI: 10.18413/2313-89122018-4-4-0-11

Interdependence between structure and pragmatics of code-switching in modern Russian novels

This article studies the interdependence between structural and pragmatic aspects of code-switching observed in Russian fiction novels by V. Aksyonov, B. Akunin, and V. Pelevin. The author provides definitions of some linguistic terms, such as bilingual communication, bilingual, code switching, matrix, and guest languages. The author also provides a detailed description of the classification of code switching according to three types and the functions they perform. This author argues that the most common structure of code-switching in the speech of characters is that of the Embedded Language island. Such structures may fulfil almost all pragmatic functions in bilingual speech of the three novels. The subject-thematic function is the most common function in these novels and it is represented by such type of code-switching as interspersing.

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