DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2018-4-4-0-13

Codicological study of the medieval manuscript “Régime de santé” by Guido Parato

The article presents the results of the work on a manuscript written in the French language of the XV century. The work has been conducted by one of the co-authors for more than a decade. Besides, the article presents the research results obtained during an internship as a professeur invité (visiting professor) at ENS (École Normale Supérieure) Lyon (France). The studies conducted within the framework of codicology have revealed some new, important information that confirms the long-standing interest of foreign scholars in the manuscript being discussed. Based on the data obtained, the authors conclude that the manuscript under study is among other similar works of the XIII-XV centuries and is a typical example of a medical treatise or an ancient collection of useful recipes for health. Fruitful cooperation with the foreign co-author, an expert in the history of French and in digital philology, and other French colleagues, allowed us to digitally process the first part of the manuscript, as well as to plan further work, including the use of basic structural and functional components, diplomatic transcriptions, references, correspondences, metatext annotation, all levels of linguistic analysis and contextual metadata of all kinds.

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