DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-1-0-2

Intertextuality as a discursive phenomenon (from Horace to V. Sorokin)

The article substantiates the status of intertextuality as a discursive phenomenon, which ensures the entry of the work into the diachronic context and generates a dialogical interaction of texts of different times: the source-text and the recipient-text. Intertextuality implements semantic increment of the recipient text by means of precedent inclusion. In this case, the precedent can be present in the text in the form of a cultural code, a cipher, being «packed» in traditional language forms. No doubt that writers often deliberately borrow ideas and sometimes stories from the works of predecessors, folk art, etc., Such borrowing does not mean «repetition», but is broadcast or that cultural phenomenon and deepen the meaning of the newly created text. Thus, semiotic discourse increment occurs. As a result, the reader, referring to the newly created text, associatively «connects» to it information from the «prototypical text» or « prototypical texts», deepening the content of the new text through its own inclusive reflections related to the prototypical text of ideas, meanings, which is crucial for the interpretation of the work. As a result, readers draw information from other texts, «sifting» the new text through their mental «archives», the new text becomes more complicated, acquiring the quality of discourse, but its understanding becomes deeper and clearer. Thus, for the authors intertextuality opens up new prospects and opportunities for building their own original «stories». However, here the subjective factor comes to the fore – the readiness of the reader for the process of decoding, the depth of his/ her literary and general cultural knowledge. So, the most interesting and fruitful dialogue between the author and the reader can occur in this semiotic space. Thus, the recipient text can be interpreted as a certain code in relation to the source text, which requires adequate interpretation of such a coding text to perform a “decryption” operation, which implies knowledge of the dialogue context, providing the possibility of establishing a connection with the precedent source. In this regard, it is quite natural to recognize all modern literary texts as intertextual and intentionally intertextual.

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