DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-1-0-7

Non-egocentricity as a characteristic of Masonic texts

The article deals with the specific features of texts compiled by masons only for “internal use” or for the general public for more than three centuries. The relevance of the research topic is determined by a number of interrelated provisions of a theoretical and applied nature, which so far have not received a consistent interpretation within the framework of linguistics. The aim of the research is to detect and explicate specific features of the Masonic texts, which characterize the specificity of their perception of the Masonic doctrines. The goal is achieved through the textual analysis, which consists in segmentation of the text into independent fragments of meaningful content for explicating the semantics of the text or its individual segment. As a result of the analysis, the authors’ definition of Masonic texts was formulated and their center and periphery were described as differing from each other by the degree of completeness and reliability of the realization of the Masonic worldview. The authors identified the main characteristic of Masonic texts – their non-egocentricity, which contributes to the maximum abstraction of the categories of person, place, and time. Due to this, the Masonic text is not coordinated directly with the real (material) plane of its authors and recipients’ existence. The article contains a large number of examples from ancient and modern Masonic texts, demonstrating the specific form that the semantics of the three basic categories acquire in the center of the Masonic text. Non-egocentricity of the text gives the universal status to the information contained in it, which becomes applicable to any person, any time and space.

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