DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-1-0-3

French gastronomic discourse: experience of linguistic and semiotic analysis

The paper describes the characteristics of gastronomic discourse based on the analysis of regional culinary terms in the context of their use in the recipe texts of the French lingvoculture. Conventional methods for the nomination of culinary realities and food processing methods are presented. A hypothesis is put forward about the direct correlation of gastronomic nominees and national-cultural parameters of communication. Prospects for further research of gastro linguistic structures are outlined. Introduction and theoretical justification. Culinary discourse has a sufficient number of relevant features to identify the mental properties of a generalized representative of the national culture. The gastronomic nomination is directly connected with the identification mechanisms of language thinking, operational models of the representation of the gastronomic universe, axiological reference points of lingvoculture. The epistemological structure of gastropragmatonyms serves as an epistemological basis for deciphering one of the mechanisms of culinary sense-generating. As an integrally constructed construct, a recipe text is a semiotic system, with constant meaningful parameters. The culinary format of the utterance correlates with the linguistic characteristics within which the essential national cultural characteristics can be distinguished. Main part. It is shown that the gastronomic discourse and culinary terminology of any nation has a significant linguocultural potential of nominative properties. An almost exemplary material for the study of linguocultural signs of terminology is unequivocal vocabulary, in particular, untranslatable language units from the field of culinary activity. The national culinary worldview, which combines the linguistic picture of the world and autochthonous gastronomy, linked within the framework of the system of cognitive categories and semiotic algorithms, is considered. The central element in the formation of the conceptual picture of the world is the metaphorical mechanism of nomination, which reflects the essential aspects of the mentality, in particular, the French gluttonymic perception of reality. The importance of a gastronomic communicative event, as one of the most important aspects of the prescription product, comes to the fore. The importance of culinary autochthonous competence of the recipient of the text is emphasized. Conclusion. It is concluded that consumption processes are increasingly viewed as a phenomenon of discourse – a text. Text and discourse are the basic environment for the formation of a gluttonic world view and communication. It is argued that all levels of linguistic and discursive organization within the framework of gluttonic topics have a relevant semiotic potential for identifying national and cultural characteristics, in particular, French culinary discourse and terminology. The fundamental archetypes of the collective unconscious French nation, correlating with gastronomic mythology and discourse, are revealed. It was also found that the interpretational field of food-to-food / repas lexemes, synonyms, qualifications, paronyms and phraseology is verbalized in French with the help of a substantial (real) type of nomination with a predominantly perceptual attribute. It is argued that in French and discourse the abundance of pragmatic nominative and word-building models can be attributed to the prevailing mechanisms of gastronomic communication. Within the framework of the proposed hypothesis, the vectors of future studies are projected in line with the textological significance of culinary discourse, which will expand the epistemological range of analytical linguistics.

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