Pronoun in Abel Matthieu’s linguistic concept (1520? - 1572?)
The aim of the article is to describe the system of pronouns in the linguistic concept of Abel Matthieu (1520? – 1572?), a French humanist, legal adviser and author of the treatise "Devis de la langue francoyse" (1559, 1560, 1572). Using the methodology of the “system-norm-usage” complex study by E.N. Mikhailova (2000), we determine how A. Matthieu represents the status, boundaries, nomenclature and functions of the French pronoun, and to what extent his representation differs from the postulates of the Greek-Latin canon. It is found that the pronoun system in the author’s concept is reflected incompletely, and its grammatical paradigm is mobile and significantly blurred. On the one hand, this fragmentation of the pronoun description can be explained by the unfinished process of its system formation during the Renaissance period. On the other hand, it can be caused by the fact that A. Matthieu deprives the pronoun of the independent part of speech status. Finally, we establish a connection between the fragmental reflexion of the pronoun system in A. Matthieu’s linguistic concept and the author’s usual approach to the grammatical description.
Sirotenko A.D. (2019). Pronoun in Abel Matthieu’s linguistic concept (1520? – 1572?). Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5 (2), 67-73,
DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-2-0-7
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