Functional potential of deverbatives in the aspect of taxis relationship actualization
This article deals with the functional potential of deverbative nouns in German.
The article analyzes the aspectual-taxis potential of German deverbatives of various derivational semantics, taking into account their basic properties (verbogenicity, reverbability, taxicity, multiplicity).
The analysis of empirical material allowed to reveal the functional potential of deverbatives and to determine the degree of their verbogenicity and taxicity. Verbogenic-taxic deverbatives with the maximum degree of taxicity are characterized by reverbalizability and are easily transformed into verbal predications. Deverbatives with minimal aspectual taxis potential are distinguished by the presence of inactive semantic values in their semantics and are not able to actualize taxis values.
Arkhipova I.V. (2020). Functional potential of deverbatives in the aspect
of taxis relationship actualization. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied
Linguistics, V.6 (1), 20-29, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-1-0-3
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