Nationally-marked vocabulary in contemporary American fiction: features and possibilities of translation into Russian
The given article deals with the research of the transfer of linguistic means of expressing national culture in literary texts based on the material of the language of the novel "The Client" by a contemporary American writer John Grisham. Obviously, difficulties can arise in the translation of nationally-marked vocabulary, since translators need to create a translation text that both reflects the national character and preserves the equivalence and adequacy of translation. The pertinence of the topic stems from the fact that the question of how to transfer the foreign language realia remains open: there is no single point of view on the structure and methods of transmitting language units that reflect the national specificity of society. The object of the study was the connotative vocabulary of the American English language, and the subject – the ways of its translation into Russian. The goal of the study is to conduct a linguistic analysis and comparative study of the ways to translate the connotative vocabulary recorded in modern English-language fiction into Russian. The author gives examples of the functioning of nationally-marked vocabulary in a novel and its translation into Russian. The article demonstrates some translation methods of transmitting nationally-marked vocabulary of the modern American version of the English language. It is concluded that the ways of translating culturally-marked vocabulary into Russian are, on the one hand, most effective for the Russian-speaking reader to achieve an adequate perception of the originality of the original, and on the other hand, to convey the specifics of the national and cultural flavor of the source language.
Tregubova Yu. A. (2020). Nationally-marked vocabulary in
contemporary American fiction: features and possibilities of translation into Russian.
Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (1), 108-118, DOI:
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