The mass media of Britain and Spain: Russian president’s image in the light of cultural linguistics
The article is devoted to the problem of culture-significant lexemes used to describe the image of Russian Federation President V.V. Putin. English and Spanish speaking authors, who are native representatives of their countries’ linguaculture, use these language units. The relevance of the research work is reasoned not only by the number of native speakers and the idea of two cultures study, but also by the high frequency of proper name V. Putin usage in the texts devoted to the Russian Federation.
The purpose of the research is to study the linguacultural aspect of the culture-significant lexemes used to describe V. Putin’s image in British and Spanish mass media texts. The main idea of the research is to find out the culture-significant lexemes’ specific features in the English and Spanish mass media texts.
Different methods of scientific research are used. These methods include: the method of continuous sampling, descriptive method and content analysis method. There is a connection between the culture-significant lexemes and the native speakers’ linguistic view of the world. The analysis of culture-significant lexemes leads to the deeper understanding of two nations’ culture; allow defining both cultural similarities and differences of Anglo-Saxon and Spanish authors’ linguaculture in the process of V. Putin’s image description.
Vlasov V.V. (2020). The mass media of Britain and Spain: Russian president’s image in the light of cultural linguistics. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (2), 4-13, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-2-0-1
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