Speech etiquette: the concept and comparison of the borders of the phenomenon in English and Russian
The article actualizes the problem of determining the concept of “speech etiquette” and the boundaries of this phenomenon in English and Russian speech. The author approaches the solution of the problem by analyzing the thesaurus field of the concept and identifying the levels and styles that determine the boundaries of the phenomenon of speech etiquette in English and Russian. Purpose of the article: to analyze the definition of the concept of speech etiquette; to identify the boundaries of the phenomenon of speech etiquette in English and Russian speech. Tasks: to carry out a content analysis of the definitions of the “speech etiquette” concept; to perform a structural-frequency analysis of the content of the “speech etiquette” concept; to identify features of English and Russian speech etiquette; to identify the boundaries of the speech etiquette phenomenon in English and Russian. The following methods were used in the article: the method of theoretical analysis, historical-descriptive method, methods of comparison, content analysis, structural frequency analysis, isolation of synthesis structures. Results: on the basis of content analysis, as well as structural-frequency analysis, the definition of the concept of “speech etiquette” is clarified, its main semantic components are identified. The article reveals the features of English speech etiquette, identifies and characterizes the levels and boundaries of the phenomenon of English speech etiquette and gives examples. The importance of polite communication, treatment and behavior based on adherence to specific rules, norms, traditions of the language, as well as one or another sociocultural affiliation, are substantiated.
Drozdova E.A. (2020). Speech etiquette: the concept and comparison of
the borders of the phenomenon in English and Russian. Research Result. Theoretical
and Applied Linguistics, 6 (3), 25-32, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-3-0-2
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