The functional potential of prepositions and their classification grounds
The fundamental category in the language system is the concept of parts of speech. The classification of parts of speech is based on a number of criteria that correlate with a certain level of the language system, and thus the classification can be based on semantic, morphological and syntactic criteria. The focus of the authors' attention is on prepositions the functions of which are to determine the meaning of names and verbs, and therefore they are considered to be indicative rather than significant elements of the language. The semantic, morphological, syntactic functions of the prepositions of the German language are analyzed.
Shustova S.V., Кhorosheva N.V. (2020). Shustova S.V., Кhorosheva N.V. (2020). The functional potential of prepositions and their classification grounds. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 6(3), 48-57, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-3-0-4
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