One-dimensional phraseology models of modern international business language
The paper is devoted to the study of the structure of stable and reproducible language units of modern international business language, which are on the verge of the two semiotic fields, namely: the terminological field of the language of economics, management, banking, audit, on the one hand, and the phraseological field of the English business language, or the language of management in the broad sense of the word, on the other hand.
The object of the study includes more than two hundred terminological units of a phraseological nature, the selection of which was carried out by the method of continuous sampling from the modern interpretive English-language dictionary of business terminology, published under the editorship of J. Friedman. When selecting language material for the study, the method of phraseological identification of A. V. Kunin was also used in order to clarify the linguistic status of a stable terminological phrase and determine its belonging to phraseology. In addition, other methods of phraseological analysis were employed in the study: the method of analyzing dictionary definitions to clarify the semantics of the PU-term and the method of contextual analysis to clarify its meaning.
The subject of the study is the way of combining components in PU-terms selected for the analysis into one-dimensional, or grammatical, models. The purpose of the study is to determine the nomenclature of the identified models and describe them.
As a result of the study, the three most common one-dimensional substantive models were identified, combining the phraseological terms studied. Some distinctive features of the terms of this group were revealed, such as the lack of variability of the component composition and the preservation by the second component of its original meaning in case of a partial meaning transference of the term prototype.
Fedulenkova, T. N. (2020). One-dimensional phraseology models of modern international business language. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.6 (4), 70-83, DOI:10.18413/2313-8912-2020-6-4-0-7
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