DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-1-0-1

PSA discourse: pragmatics of pragmatism

Advertising in general and public service announcement (PSA) as its special form has repeatedly become a subject of linguistic research. Numerous publications focus upon the syntax and semantics of advertising, its intertextual links and aphorism models, stylistic and pragmatic features, the connection of advertising texts with linguistic culture. Generally speaking, various aspects of PSA were investigated within the framework of text linguistics. This paper deals with public service announcements functioning in modern society. Their role in building up behavioral stereotypes is revealed. Functions of PSA and its communicative strategies and tactics are evaluated. From the results of the study, it was concluded that the communication strategies and tactics of social advertising are similar to those typical of a number of institutional types of discourse, primarily media and political. This includes such manipulative communicative moves as hidden subtext, polarization, false choice, “straw man”, and some others.

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