The main characteristics of the Nouchi language code
Since independence, Ivory Coast, like many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, has been characterised by a complex sociolinguistic situation. Sixty of the most dynamic Ivorian languages, French, as well as a new language code called Nouchi, are in operation throughout the country. This article presents an analysis of the linguistic situation, explaining the coexistence of numerous languages with different functions and the spread of bilingualism/polylingualism. In Ivory Coast, there is a marked division of the languages spoken in the country according to their scope and situation: standard French (language of official communication, administration, education, judiciary, etc.), Ivorian French (language of family communication, trade; widely used in daily life), local languages (languages of daily and intra-family communication, less often of trade). The aim of the article is to identify the preconditions for the emergence of the Nushi language code, as well as to characterize its structure and some features of its functioning in the speech of the Ivorians. The article provides the grounds for determining the status of the Nouchi language code under consideration as a pidgin with several language lexifiers. The core of Nouchi is made up of European (primarily French, English and Spanish) and African languages such as Dioula, Beté and Baoulé. The study reveals the main functions of Nouchi, highlighting the importance of pidgin as a means of self-identification for Ivorians not only in Ivory Coast but also outside the country. Examples of the functioning of Nouchi in the speech of the Ivorians, reflecting the national and cultural specificity of Ivory Coast, appear to be important.
Glebova, Ya. A. (2021). The main characteristics of the Nouchi language code. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.7 (2), 21-30, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-2-0-3
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