Actualization of the category of instrumentality
This article discusses the means of realizing the meaning of instrumentality in a situation with emotive causatives восхищаться / восторгаться (to admire) in the Russian language, which have not been investigated in terms of functioning in a causative situation. Emotive causatives are verbs that implement during functioning a modification of the emotional state of the causation object. The causation object is the person exposed to this influence. The substantive aspects of instrumentality reflect the phenomena, situations, events that are of particular relevance for the causator. The emotive component of the causative situation is closely related to the instrumental component. In the works of researchers, instrumentality in the causative situation has not found proper consideration, although this direction seems promising in terms of identifying and describing the status of the category of instrumentalities as a semantic category.
Shustova, S. V., Yahyapour, M. (2021). Actualization of the category of instrumentality. Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, V.7 (2), 95-103, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-2-0-9
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