DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-2-0-12

Women in the 19th century Scottish emigration poetry of the USA

The article analyzes the poetic texts of 19th century Scottish immigrant poets in the United States, in which women were the protagonists. The Scottish poetic emigration discourse is presented by poets-men, but women occupy a special place among the characters: mothers, brides, wives, girls. The analysis of poetic texts is aimed at identifying the main types of female characters and determining artistic techniques and genre-stylistic features of poetic texts, which are relevant for integral poetological analysis of the Scottish poetic emigration discourse. The methods of genre analysis, comparative analysis, historical and biographical methods are used to analyze feminine discourse. Feminine discourse is analyzed in the following aspects: character (dominant types of female heroines) and genre-stylistic (the main artistic techniques and genres that poets prefer). It is revealed that among the Scottish heroines the greatest preference is given to women from the close (family) circle: mothers, brides, wives, etc., but they rarely become the main heroines of poems. There are practically no heroines-Americans. This absence explains the biographical context of Scottish emigration poets: emigration for many of them occurred in adolescence and adulthood. Among the dominant artistic techniques, idealization stands out and plays a significant role in the transformation of the female image of a mother, bride, girl, wife into the image of the Motherland-Scotland. The absence of heroines-Americans suggests that the United States is still a new country for expatriate poets. Elegy and epitaph became the basic genres.

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