DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2021-7-4-0-1

On a type of (non-)detached appositive

This paper examines the possible word-order transformations of one of the prototypical appositional constructions, following the pattern common noun + proper noun. These constructions have been described, although fragmentarily, in most synthetic works on Bulgarian syntax, but they have been interpreted ambivalently, also in studies beyond the Bulgarian linguistic literature. The paper focuses primarily on word-order variations in constructions in which the noun designates a position, profession, academic field, nationality, political or religious affiliation, age, kinship or other interpersonal relation; for instance, главният секретар Георгиев, чистачката Ваня, филологът Петров, аржентинецът Лео Меси, републиканецът Ейбръхам Линкълн, евангелистът Йоан, дядо Щукар, братовчедът Георги, съседите Мишеви, колегата Жоро, etc. The analysis takes into consideration the role of the category determination, as well as the possibility (and the need) of the noun in post-position to be marked or not to be marked by comma-intonation (as a detached or non-detached appositive). Furthermore, the logical approach has been emphasized in this study aiming to determine the direction of the grammatical and logical-semantic dependence in the variants of the analyzed construction. The specific inversion within the analysed construction is realized by means of two variants: 1) the noun is marked by comma-intonation; 2) the noun is not marked by comma-intonation. Each of these variants has two sub-types – in the first sub-type, the noun is used with a zero article; in the second sub-type, the noun has a definite article. This means that there are six theoretically possible variants of the analysed construction. Their analysis raises many questions and their answers would contribute to the objective and accurate interpretation of the syntactic-semantic relation between the components of the appositional construction, as well as the correct and unambiguous determination of their syntactic status.

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