Extracts from the comparative description of linguistic images in the phraseological systems of Hebrew and Yiddish
This work is devoted to the study of the formation of the Hebrew phraseological system from the perspective of the supposed influence of the phraseological system of Yiddish on it. The choice of this Germanic language among the many Jewish languages as an object of research is explained by the fact that for the overwhelming majority of immigrants to their historical homeland, even Yiddish was the spoken language. On the basis of examples collected from Russian, Israeli, German and Polish sources, the article substantiates the theoretical prerequisites for the possible interaction of phraseological systems of both languages and notes cases of its absence. The study was carried out selectively in several thematic groups, a comparative analysis of which made it possible to establish significant interlingual inconsistencies, caused, in particular, by a change in the phraseological image of Hebrew. It was found that the process of independent development of the Hebrew phraseological system without a significant influence on it of the Yiddish system of stable expressions is naturally conditioned by the change of realities, which contributed to the formation of a new nationally mediated phraseological image. The own forces of the Hebrew language were able to give impetus to the formation of a phraseological system that was not subject to significant external linguistic influences. The article proposes further development of the Hebrew phraseological system, including through closer interaction with the Yiddish language.
Medvedev, V. B. (2022). Extracts from the comparative description of linguistic images in the phraseological systems of Hebrew and Yiddish, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 8 (2), 41-51. DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2022-8-2-0-3
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