Language imagery: discursive and modus creative
The phenomenon of discourse as a communicative event is key to the developing theory of linguistic image. The discursive comprehension of the communicative event which generates linguistic images is carried out through its cognitive-metaphorical interpretation. The genesis of the linguistic image is considered from the stage of the emergence of the naïve concept, that primordial framework which connects the object-sensible image with the discursive and modus concept. Its paradigm contains the cognitive and eventual component, which, being addressed to the pragmatic component of the communicative situation, generates the architectonics of the linguistic image. The idea is held that discursive and modus hypostasis of a communicatively significant event serves as a primary basis for the formation of visual outlines of the corresponding fragment of the verbalized picture of the world. This, in turn, involves the work of the so-called discursive consciousness. In line with this judgement, the ways of formation of a linguistic image are shown. The initial stimulus here is the cognitive reproduction from the annals of ethno-cultural memory of sensations and perceptions received earlier, correlated with the actual communicative event. Interpreted by the discursive consciousness in the form of an ethno-cultural concept, the object-sensual image transforms into a linguistic image. Its categorical features are established: associativity, metaphoricity, polysemy, originality, ethno-cultural conditionality, intellectual-emotional synergy of thought and feeling.
Alefirenko, N. F. (2022). Language imagery: discursive and modus creative, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 8 (4), 3-14. DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2022-8-4-0-1
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