DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2022-8-4-0-2

Study of Yakut cinematic discourse through film reviews analysis

The current research is focused on investigation of the Yakut cinematic discourse through the analysis of film reviews as secondary texts. The aim of the present study is to specify the main themes of the Yakut cinematic discourse and emotions that are transmitted by the films and reflected in reviews. The material of analysis includes 72 reviews for five Yakut films released between 2016 and 2020. The choice of the films is determined by such factors as time of release, genre affiliation, popularity, number of available reviews. The reviews are written by both critics and common viewers. The research is based on the content and sentiment analysis of the material carried out by means of computer programs. The results of the research show that the main themes of the Yakut cinematic discourse are everyday life of the Yakut people, nature of the republic, non-urban community, social issues, family relations, fate. The Yakut cinematic discourse depicts gloomy life full of hardships and unfairness in harsh climatic conditions. The sentiment of the film reviews as well as the cinematic discourse is predominantly negative. The findings of the current study suggest the possibility of exploration of specific cinematic discourse through secondary texts and discourse in order to discover its particular features. Film review is able to interpret and comprehensively represent cinematic discourse.

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