The next turn in a dialogue: key algorithms of text dynamics
The purpose of the paper is to identify and describe the key algorithms of text dynamics in a dialogue. The relevance of the work is determined by its inclusion in the problem field of dialogic linguistics, one of the unresolved issues of which is the question of creating the next turn in a dialogue. The novelty of the research lies in the presentation of the genesis of the next turn as a manifestation of the algorithmic nature of the language – the recoding algorithm as a predictive interpretation process that genuinely anticipates the perception of the image of the language unit by the addressee. The research is carried out in accordance with the dialogical model of language as a version of the immanent-centric theory of the language. It is founded on a hypothesis under which the language is structured in such a way and not otherwise in order to serve the dialogue situation. The emergence of the next turn in a dialogue is described as the implementation of text recoding algorithms. The research is grounded on the material of the Internet dialogue, presented by a news article and comments to it in the amount of 258 units. The paper identifies and describes analytical and synthetic algorithms of text dynamics in a dialogue. The analytical algorithms are differentiated according to the form of the initial phrase, which can be either monological or polylogical. Two analytical algorithms are being distinguished and described: divergence and neutralization. The synthetic algorithms of text dynamics are represented by two varieties, stated as quoting and retelling. It is concluded that the destination image is included in the recoding algorithm. The analytical algorithms of text dynamics include a situational image of the addressee. In contrast the synthetic algorithms include an extra-situational image of the addressee. The obtained outcomes clarify the idea of the forms of updating the dialogical utterance and the specifics of its genesis.
Shpilnaya, N. N., Sologub, O. P. and Mannapova, S. A. (2022). The next turn in a dialogue: key algorithms of text dynamics, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 8 (4), 57-71. DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2022-8-4-0-5
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The work was prepared with the support of the President grant of the Russian Federation for young scientists – doctors of science MD-3824.2021.2.