DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2024-10-1-0-5

Individual differences in the associative meaning of a word through the lens of the language model and semantic differential

The fact that there are individual differences in word semantics is recognized by lots of scholars. However, establishing and describing such differences is a complex scientific task involving labor-intensive semantic marking and the researcher’s inevitable impartiality. In this study, we set forth a method for identifying differences in the individual semantics of words based on automatically calculated estimates of the associative meaning of a word on semantic differential scales. Using the word2vec distributive semantic model, trained on a multimillion corpus of texts as well as the Concept Mover's Distance method, for each associative series we obtained (associative series consisting of the same number of elements – 5 words – had been selected) scores on 18 semantic differential scales. In our study, for the first time, this method, which has been widely used in the latest studies that consider text as data (mostly performed in the mainstream computational social science), has been applied to such an analysis object as an associative series for describing individual differences in the semantics of words. As the material for the study, we employed a specially designed dataset containing associative reactions to stimuli – high-frequency words in the Russian language, data on the respondents' psychological characteristics (Big Five traits) and their emotional state at the time of testing. Using a set of methods for analyzing multidimensional data (principal component method, factor analysis, hierarchical clustering on principal components), we divided the stimulus words into groups depending on the degree of individual differences in their semantics. We also established a connection between the respondents' psychological characteristics and automatically calculated the estimates of the associative meaning of the stimulus words on semantic differential scales. The described analysis technique can be used in order to obtain the estimates of associative series (as well as contexts of word use in texts) for any semantic oppositions and is set forth as a supplement to the traditional methods of identifying the psychologically real meaning of a word. The dataset used in the study and the code for reproducing the results obtained in the R language are available to a wider research community.


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