Technosemantics of gesture: on the possibilities of using Perm sign notation in software-generated environments
This paper is dedicated to the development of a concept and software solution for generating human movements based on a semantically-oriented language notation created by the authors. The language notation is presented as a formula with a flexible structure of concepts and rules for their implementation, allowing easy adaptation of movement parameter changes to match an ideal or real sample.
To model movements represented in the language notation, a cross-platform application was developed using the Blender 4.2 for the visualization and generation of gestures for anthropomorphic models. The movement control system consists of the following stages: translating it into a gesture notation record; parsing this record; constructing an internal representation of the movement, which is a sequence of frames. Frames contain information about which bone (body part) of the performer they refer to, how they affect its position, and at what time from the start of the movement this frame is relevant. In the final stage, the internal representation of the movement is transformed into the performer’s movement, which can be either virtual anthropomorphic 3D models or physical software-hardware systems in the form of anthropomorphic robots.
To better correspond to anthropomorphic behavior, in addition to “ideal samples” of human movement, models of human gesture behavior presented in a multimodal corpus specially created for this purpose by the team were used. The material consists of audiovisual recordings of spontaneous oral texts where recipients describe a wide range of their own emotional states. The data obtained during the experimental research confirmed the flexibility, enhanced controllability, and modularity of the language notation, as well as the ability to model the continuous space of human motor activity.
Belousov, K. I., Taleski, A., Agaev, A. R. (2024). Technosemantics of gesture: on the possibilities of using Perm sign notation in software-generated environments, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 10 (4), 126–146.
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