The article deals with the specificity of literary conceptsphere architectonics as the whole of literary concepts. The text is seen as a cognitive-plot matrix, accumulating the underlying ethno-meanings in the writer’s world view projections. Text is the unity of different-formative models represented by the symbols of Past, Present and Future of people. Such symbols are verbalized by the signs forming the text world. Literary landscape models are realized as the static, dynamic, and static-dynamic cognitive formats of knowledge. Literary conceptsphere architectonics parameters can be equivalent to literary concepts` parameters or can be identified as the unity of some segments of different literary concepts` nominative fields. The author researches the spatio-temporal continuum as the base of text landscape model dynamics. The literary landscape model named “Sunset” represents the synergy of two types of text landscapes: the earthly and the heavenly. The sun light dynamics is represented in a cognitive script format which is transformed in translations into Russian and French.
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