Thе article reveals a typological representante phraseological verbalization of linguistic identity in the political discourse. Phraseological units, due to its connotative the macro-component, have a place in political speeches, appear as a vivid means of expression, as well as implement pragmatic function of the language. The analysis of language learning in action, explores the human factor in the language due to the fulfillment of the pragmatic functions of idioms in the format of political communication. A diagram of the analysis, including the selection of the integral semes, connotational background and definition of the identification projection, allows to make a portrait of the linguistic of linguistic identity and to highlight its main priorities in communication. Considered a kind of ethno-cultural characteristics along with the universal traits of the political discourse. Examples demonstrate national-cultural characteristics of political discourse in Russia, which are influenced by national factors of communication at this stage of the existence of a national language.
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