This article deals with the research of functioning of superlatives as the means of creating expressive intensity and expression in the language of Marina Tsvetayeva’s poetry. Synthetic forms of the superlative degree of adjectives take an important place among the means of expressing in the works by Tsvetayeva. A specific feature of Marina Tsvetayeva’s poetry is the usage of synthetic forms in the constructions where a simple form of superlatives is governed by a noun in the genitive case with the preposition «из».The presence of a prepositional-case word form allows to convey the absolute degree of demonstration of the character in the subject brighter, focus the recipient’s attention on the highest degree of characteristic’s intensity. Marina Tsvetayeva’s poetry is also characterized by using in these structures the attributive pronoun «весь» in the plural form. The use of the attributive pronoun emphasizes that this comparison has the character of a full coverage of the compared objects. It indicates brighter that the sign is manifested at the highest level, despite of the large number of things, which are associated with the subject (which has this feature). A distinctive means of creating expressiveness in Tsvetayeva’s lyrics is the use of occasional synthetic forms of superlative adjectives. These appear in the form of adjectives in which the semantics does not allow the formation of the superlative degree of comparison.
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