The article discusses comparative constructions that are different in status, origin, use and time of functioning: Russian colloquial and folklore comparisons, as well as Latvian bookish comparisons belonging to the artistic idiolect of Anna Brigadere (1861-1933). Colloquial comparative constructions were recorded in 16 localities of Latgale (South-Eastern part of Latvia). The basis of comparison (the component to which something is compared) in the comparisons is a phytonym. The plant code serves as an indicator of manifestations of both normal, healthy (strength, beauty, cheerfulness, optimism, strong physique), and abnormal, unsound (pallor, weakness, thinness, growths on the body and death as a result of a disease) physical condition of a person. The comparative perspective allows for drawing a conclusion about the most significant linguo-cultural features of Russians (Old Believers) living in Latvia and Latvians (Catholics), which are manifested in the frequency of the use of plant images and their manifold nomenclature. Association with the same bases of comparisons enshrined in the minds of Russians and Latvians are of particular interest; it is directly reflected in a different evaluative semantic content of the phytonyms – bases of comparisons.
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1. Boiko L.G. The World of Flora in Stable Comparisons // News of Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute. 2008. No 10. Pp. 75-77.
2. Gishkaeva L.N. Phraseological Units with the Components – Zoonyms and Phytonyms in Modern Iberian and Mexican National Variants of Spanish: Summary of the PhD Thesis in Philology. Moscow, 2012. 20 p.
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8. Russian Folklore in the Records of Students of Daugavpils University (1963-1991). The Almanac of the Institute of Comparative Studies. Russian – Latvian Literary Contacts. Issue 4. Vol. 10. Daugavpils: Saule, 2008. 415 p.
9. Sidneva S.A. Plant Code in Modern Greek Folklore: PhD Thesis in Philology. Мoscow, 2008. 189 p.
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Russian linguistic material has been recorded in the following localities in Latgale
13. Brygino, Daugavpils District
14. Dagda, Kraslava District
15. Daugavpils
16. Zui, Rezekne District
17. Kalishevo, Kraslava District
18. Korolyova E.E. Dialectal Dictionary of One Family – 2 (Pitalovo District of Pskov Region) (the Territory of Latgale in 1920-1940). Daugavpils: Saule, 2013. 356 p.
19. Kraslava
20. Kruki, Rezekne District
21. Lopatishki, Rezekne District
22. Malta, Rezekne District
23. Moskvino, Preili District
24. Preili
25. Rezekne
26. Sanauzhi, Preili District
27. Shnitkino, Preili District
28. Yudovka, Daugavpils District
Latvian material (works by Anna Brigadere)
29. Brigadere A. God, Nature, Work. A Book for Young and Old. Riga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2003. 507 p.
30. Brigadere A. Poetry. If the Sun is in Your Heart. Riga: Valters un Rapa, 2001. 406 p.
31. Brigadere A. When the Buds are Bursting. Stories and Miniatures. 1896-1904. Riga: Liesma, 1993. 474 p.
32. Brigadere A. The Silent Heroes. Stories and Miniatures. 1899-1933. Riga: Valters un Rapa, 1996. 458 p.
33. Brigadere A. Within Glowing Circle. 1927-1928. Riga: Valters un Rapa, 1998. 432 p.
34. Brigadere A. Plays. Riga: Valters un Rapa, 2004. 480 p.
35. Brigadere A. On Spiritual Latvia. Journalism and Letters. Riga: Valters un Rapa, 1997. 440 p.