The article describes ethnic nicknames and their functioning in “hate speech” amid escalating political tension between Russia and Ukraine in the first decades of the 21 century. The research is aimed at creating an onomasiological portrait of a typical Russian in the Ukrainian linguistic mentality. The authors study the word moskal as a nickname of Russians. The research is based on the conceptual analysis, definitional analysis, pragmalinguistic analysis, contextual analysis, etymological analysis, semantic analysis, and sociolinguistic analysis. In the course of the study, the authors describe the characteristic features of the nickname moskal and some linguistically relevant ethno-cognitive units, enabling to create in further studies an image of the contemporary Russian person built up in the linguistic mentality of typical Russian and Ukrainian web forum visitors. The results of the research may be applied in further studies in the spheres of sociolinguistics, ethnoconflictology, history, and political science.
Keywords: Russian: Ukrainian,
“hate speech”,
ethnic nickname,
linguistic mentality,
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Количество скачиваний: 8524
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