The article considers the dual concept structure in general, and the ‘love and loneliness’ dual concept specifically. The research is carried out in terms of F.S. Fitzgerald's ‘The Great Gatsby’ novel. The lexical items that describe the reality around characters are important components in the selected concept study. We present the previously compiled landscape units’ classification. It was found that in one of the novel chapters the landscape units’ amount is most frequent. We sampled the vocabulary that describes nature. The most frequent were the landscape units that describe exactly the main character’s lawn. We conduct the landscape units’ cognitive-hermeneutic analysis. It reveals the landscape units’ structure and its role in shaping the dual concept nominative field. Besides, we indicate to which of two cores – the ‘love’ or ‘loneliness’ – the dual concept used by the author is referred more frequently. We make a conclusion about high frequency of the landscape units’ inclusion in the dual concept structure.
Keywords: dual-concept,
nominative field,
landscape units,
cognitive and hermeneutic analysis,
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