The article deals with the architectonics of literary cognitive script as one of the components included into the dynamic segment of literary concept-sphere. The specific of personalized literary cognitive script and non-personalized literary cognitive script are characterized. The peculiarity of linear and non-linear literary cognitive scripts is described. The role of background informant in the script architectonics is qualified. The author’s scheme of literary cognitive script is represented. The correlation degree of temporal textual model and textual script model in the novel of the Soviet military prose “Volokolamsk Highway” by Alexander Bek is identified. The correlation types are: (1) segment temporal flow in the cognitive script architectonics; (2) temporal point as the kernel of temporal flow in the cognitive script architectonics; (3) polarization of temporal markers in the cognitive script architectonics. The different place names types are identified. These place names types reconstruct the military map of the territory named “far approaches to Moscow”.
Keywords: concept-sphere,
literary text,
literary cognitive script,
correlation of models.
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Electronic resources:
10. Volokolamsk Highway. URL:Волоколамское_шоссе (date of access: October 10, 2016).
Resources of actual material:
11. Bek. А. Volokolamsk Highway. Мoskva: Sovetskiy pisatel, 1981. 574 p.