The article presents an overview of different approaches of Russian linguists to the concept of a sermon as one of the formats of the religious discourse in the display of the religious picture of the world. A conceptual analysis of St. Luka’s of Simferopol and Crimea (Voyno-Yasenetsky) sermon "To the words: "Let the dead bury their dead" was conducted. As a result of the analysis, we were able to identify some discourse tendencies and stylistic techniques of verbalization of the concepts "suffering", "life" and "death", and also to allocate 17 super-frequent lexeme-collocates included into the conceptual field of "faith", "suffering", "death", "rationality", which form the core of the sermon under consideration and symbolize not only the religious beliefs of St. Luka in the format of Orthodox Christianity, but also determine the set of integral components of professional activity of the Archbishop-doctor. The conclusions determining the features that characterize the linguistic personality of St. Luka were made.
Keywords: cognitive dominant,
conceptual field,
linguistic personality,
linguistic picture of the world,
religious discourse,
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