Volume 1, Issue №1, 2014
The author conducts a comparative analysis of British, Russian and American onyms from the point of view of the theory of language structuring levels concerning concepts of linguistic cognitive speaker ...
The article dwells on the cognitive-national sphere which is the subject of attention of researchers nowadays. One of the concepts that are difficult to detect, includes the concept of mentality, ...
The article deals with the literary text as the complex research construct. The cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of fiction concept architectonics is represented. The concept sphere of M. Boulgakov`s “The White Guard” ...
Russian and Czech simple fixed comparisons with anthroponyms and with the conjuction как – jako as symbols of human character. The use of phraseology and comparison as a tool of ...
The article offers a comparative approach to the analysis of figurative meanings of birds’ denominations in Russian and Spanish languages; the pragmatics of their figurative usage in everyday conversational speech ...
The paper deals with a number of synergetic evolutionary processes in a natural language grammar. Dissipation processes underlying the unification of morphology are illustrated through the example of English morphology. ...
The article is devoted to research of specific features of Bavarian dialect of the modern literary German language on the level of phonetic and lexical changes. The dialect is remarkable ...
The article discusses the extension of functions of interlingual inserts through elucidation of their linguocreative potential. Using foreign words in the literary text changes its semantic and pragmatic characteristics, which ...
The article is devoted to the analysis of a significant for the Russian culture speech act of complaint. The author studies an idiomatic constituent of a “complaint” lexeme in the ...
The introduction of cognitive models of different discourse types is a challenging research area within the context of cognitive and discourse linguistic paradigm. The main purpose of this paper is ...
The article views the axiological potentials of the set-expressions explicating the concept POWER in modern English and Russian. Both common conceptual value characteristic features of POWER of the said languages ...
The article points out the phraseological Africanisms of African French, containing the somatisms yeux – «eyes» and bouche – «mouth», and compares their semantic content in relation to the French ...
The article investigates the key concept of the French linguistic culture «patrimoine». The author studies vocabulary and discourse manifestations of the concept including its correlation with the national mentality of ...
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