Expressive function and categorization of Italian interjections
The article deals with such linguistic units as interjections. Examination of these language components affects the sphere of their semantics, classification and structure. Their categorization permits to determine specific features unique to these linguistic phenomena. A hypothesis is put forward about the correlation of interjection locutions and phraseological units. The primary aim is to illustrate the linguistic characteristic of the Italian interjections; a methodological approach to the study of interjections in Italian language is also provided along with a translation analysis carried out during some class activities. Interjections are a part of the speech very independent from the rest of the sentence, because they are inserted in any spoken conversation at the aim of expressing the speaker’s inner feelings and emotive reactions. Interjections have peculiar forms: they are either very short words, most of the times two-syllables, or single words taken from other grammar categories like adjectives or nouns. Primary and secondary interjections form phrasal elements, groups of words or propositions. Interjections share some features and functions with the pragmatic phraseological constructions, which can be used by translators to make the enunciation sound more natural. Interjections are not similar in all languages; the languages taken into consideration will be Italian and Russian. In particular, the current article lists a wide spectrum of interjections and related emotive reactions in the Italian language. However, all these emotive reactions are rather subjective and usually they refer to a specific context. Afterwards the research shifts on a class activity, a joint work with some students of the Belgorod State University, Russia. It consisted in reading two dialogues, giving an interpretation to the interjections and trying to implement what learnt. The article concludes with some observations about the linguistic differences between Italian and Russian, about the role of the intonation, a key element to figure out the exact meaning of a given interjection. The last but not the least is the students’ personal approach to the interjections.
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