“Text in the world of texts” as a global metaphor (intertextuality – hypertext – corpus of texts)
The functional-pragmatic approach to language of the latter quarter of the 20th and early 21st centuries exposed such descriptors of modern linguistics as anthropocentrism and interdisciplinarity. This has led to a shift in research emphasis from such traditional units as word, phrase, and sentence, to more lengthy segments of speech, with text taking the dominant position. However, the very linguistic doctrine of the text also underwent its own development. In fact, having distinguished itself from syntax, by this time it has significantly expanded its areas of interest, including not only the text itself as a kind of spiritual and material enclosed whole, but also the sphere of its habitat with all its characteristic figurants. The linguistics of text developed into the linguistics of discourse, text in its “life” with its interactive component. An important concept of text linguistics is intertext as a sphere of relations between texts. The phenomenon of intertextuality from the 1960-s to the present time has been gaining increasing interest of many scholars and researchers from all over the world. The concept of hypertext representation of information is associated with streamlining and facilitating search procedures. This directly concerns the information encoded by the texts of fiction. The issues of systematization of cultural and literary resources are not only relevant for specialists engaged in specific information processing and analysis, but also for a number of researchers studying various aspects of culture and literature. This article deals with the relationship between the concepts of “intertextuality” and “hypertext” in the framework of corpus linguistics from the standpoint of conceptual metaphor.
Koval, V. I., Kurash, S. B. and Amatov, A. M. (2019), “Text in the world of texts” as a global metaphor (intertextuality – hypertext – corpus of texts)”, Research Result. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 5 (1), 3-12, DOI: 10.18413/2313-8912-2019-5-1-0-1
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